Same-day delivery

Whether you are a Pro on a job site who’s missing that extra box of nails, or just looking for a last-minute gift, same-day delivery sure comes in handy at certain RONA, Lowe’s and Réno-Dépôt stores for online purchases of eligible items.

Online mapping and instant notifications

How are IT experts invaluable to implement this last-mile delivery service? They work in the shadows to connect the different systems and to make the flow seamless for our online customers, store associates, and third-party carrier.

“A lot of variables needed to be considered to offer same-day delivery while making sure the experience is as seamless and as efficient as possible for our customers. Besides looking at criteria like the eligibility of the store and item, we had to include the specific timeframes, shipping destination, and weight and size of the order. However, once our teams figured out how to factor everything in, we made it happen!”



- Nicolas Patris, Director, E-commerce Product Management

“With this service, we wanted to offer a faster shipping option to our customers while being cost-effective. We needed to respond quickly to orders, so we created a middleware to establish instantaneous background communication between our website, our third-party carrier, and our store. This way, we can ship to a customer’s home or work site in as little as 3 hours!”



- Stefan Carevic, Senior Product Manager

From the IT perspective, there are still many opportunities to enhance the same-day delivery feature and provide an even better experience to our customers. If this is the kind of project that you would love to work on, we might have the perfect job for you!

If you want to know more about our same-day delivery option, check out our news release!