
RONA is committed to providing content and information accessible to the widest possible audience. To that effect, this website was built using the W3C programming language and followed the AA WCAG 2.1 standards and guidelines intended to create user-friendly content accessible for people with disabilities, including:

  • Standards on accessibility for the visually impaired, including alternative text or audio description for media-type content, and colour contrasts for optimal readability;
  • Standards designed to minimize the impacts for persons with photosensitive epilepsy;
  • Content that can be zoomed up to 400% without impacting navigation;
  • Clear hierarchical content structure
  • Page titles that clearly describe the purpose and content of the page;
  • Consistent navigation mechanisms throughout the website; and
  • Multiple access points for content (breadcrumb trail, header menu, footer menu).

This policy applies to all new, updated, and existing web content on Any issues regarding the accessibility of this website should be reported to [email protected].